Whirr 2.0

No-code customer experience builder. Optimizing user journeys, simplifying, and modernizing a robust platform.

The core Whirr product was built, shipped, and used by hundreds of teams, but there was a need to iteratively improve user experiences. The goal was to identify and enhance user journeys to provide a more seamless and efficient experience.

To understand the problems users faced, I conducted usability tests, gathered user feedback, and performed session analysis. Through this process, I observed user interactions and identified specific areas for improvement.

The insights I found during my research influenced me to flesh out our project publishing flow, with a dedicated popover for the publishing journey. This improvement increased our users' ability to preview their recently published changes on their live projects. It also further enabled users to more easily share their work, encouraging growth and quicker TTV.

I also designed a versatile context menu component to support various element types and their customization options. This modular component allowed us to provide more blocks and features to our users, faster.

A challenge faced during the process was quick implementation of my designs. One engineer couldn't do it all. To overcome this hurdle, I learned React, spun up VS Code, and started chipping away at and shipping improvements in the product. This freed up engineering to focus on the app's back-end and implementation of larger features.

Learning React to quickly ship product improvements was a commitment that paid off. Because of it, I can quickly implement visual improvements, and have seen more positive customer feedback.

I'm very proud of what we've built. I invite you to explore the Whirr website, or sign up for a free account to experience Whirr yourself.

"It looks so amazing and I love all of the details"
Katie E., Web Designer
"I really love it and so does my team now that they have used it"
Denise S., CEO
"I especially like the simple yet beautiful design"
Sebastian K., Product Marketing Manager
"The overall design of the website and functionality of the form creation appealed to my designer brain"
Nikki V., Designer
