More efficient operations, communication and tenant retention

for High Five

The objective for this project was to develop a sleek marketing site for Property Operations on the Go (POGO), a property operations SaaS created by a prominent commercial real estate management firm. POGO's primary goal was to schedule product demos.

With a focus on communicating to and converting the right audience, I collaborated with a copywriter to identify and speak directly to pain points of commercial property managers, to then provide POGO as the solution. I did this by creating user personas to empathize and design specifically to the end user. It was also important to me that we continually asked ourselves "why" throughout the project. We did this because I felt it was vital to identify and solve the root problems POGO’s audience faced, and then address them with both copy and design. When building the site, I overlaid imagery of happy tenants with key product features to show the end user that POGO was built not only to ease the pain points of the property manager, but their tenants as well.

Initial wireframe to final page design

All of this resulted in an engaging and impactful marketing site that artistically conveys POGO's value propositions. By pinpointing the challenges faced by property managers and effectively presenting POGO as the solution, we successfully cultivated interest and encouraged prospective leads to take action. The website demonstrates my dedication to user-centered design, and my ability to quickly conceptualize and iterate with wireframes. It also showcases my ability to collaborate with a writer to blend persuasive copy with effective design while adhering to an established brand identity.


More efficient operations, communication and tenant retention